Corydoradinae Lineage 7
"aeneus" group

Many of the common species come from this group

Example species below: Corydoras eques.

This group contains all species within the ‘aeneus’ group. During a revision the genus name Osteogaster (Cope, 1871) would be resurrected , with the type species: Corydoras eques.

The most basal species in this group are Corydoras melanotaenia and Corydoras aeneus  from Trinidad. Corydoras zygatus  and Corydoras rabauti  are both within this group and seems to be more closely related to each other than they are to any other species in this group.

Most closely related to these species are Corydoras aeneus spp. from the Parana drainage (originally known as Corydoras macrosteus).

The Amazonian species form a group within this lineage, with Corydoras aeneus  from Suriname and Guyana separated from species from Peru where the ‘laser’ species are found.

To see all Corys in Lineage 7 that has been added to the database so far: Lineage 7 - "aeneus" group.

For an overview of all Lineages, the C- and CW numbers see this base page: Corydoradinae Lineages.

Described species

  • Corydoras aeneus (spp.)
  • Corydoras eques = Corydoras sp. CW043
  • Corydoras hephaestus
  • Corydoras melanotaenia
  • Corydoras rabauti
  • Corydoras schultzei
  • Corydoras venezuelanus
  • Corydoras zygatus


  • CW007/CW07/CW7
  • CW009/CW09/CW9 ('Green laser')
  • CW010/CW10 ('Gold laser')
  • CW014/CW14 ('Red stripe')
  • CW016/CW16
  • CW023/CW23 ('Orange stripe')
  • CW026/CW26
  • CW041/CW41
  • CW043/CW43 = Corydoras eques
  • CW068/CW68
  • CW078/CW78
  • CW084/CW84
  • CW093/CW93
  • CW097/CW97
  • CW139

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