Corydoras Identification Guide

An attempt to help identifying the different Corys you might find in your local fish shop. Only sa small part of all species added yet. More coming every week.

The name for the group is what I consider the most common species in the group or the first described species in the group.

adolfoi Group

Species from the upper Rio Nero with a orange-red marking above and behind the eyes.

Corydoras adolfoi, Adolfo's Cory | Adolfos Pansarmal | Orangepandet Pansermalle, Burgess, 1982 - Lineage 9 (ln9); Corydoras Zone Aquatics<br>Copyright © Kristian Adolfsson / |

aeneus Group

A loosely held together group of species that resembles the “normal” Corydoras aeneus.

Corydoras cf. aeneus (sp. "Pantanal"), Lineage 7 (ln7), aeneus group; Corydoras Zone Aquatics<br>Copyright © Kristian Adolfsson / |

araguaiaensis Group

Silvery grey bodys with small to medium black spots. All? coming from the Rio Araguaia in Brazil?

Corydoras araguaiaensis, Sands, 1900 - Lineage 9 (ln9), classic short-snouts, (C045, C45); Corydoras Zone Aquatics<br>Copyright © Kristian Adolfsson /

barbatus Group

bondi Group

Silvery-grey body with, usually, a spot at the the caudal peduncle that spread longer och shorter towards the gill cover.

evelynae Group

Many similar looking species belong to this sought after group.

Corydoras sp. C090 sub-adult (C90 / cf. evelynae) - Lineage 9 (classic short-snouts); Corydoras Zone Aquatics<br>Copyright © Kristian Adolfsson / |

gossei Group

Two species in this group with the round-nosed Corydoras gossei (Lineage 9) and the long-nosed (Linages 8, Sub-clade 4) Corydoras seussi.

Corydoras gossei, Lineage 9 - "classic short-snouts"; Corydoras Zone Aquatics<br>Copyright © Kristian Adolfsson / |

loxozonus Group

Common for this group is a sand-colored base with one or several black stripes from the caudal peduncle towards the head.

Corydoras loxozonus, Dirty Bandit Cory - Lineage 9 - classic short-snouts (sp. C082/C82, C083/C83) Colombia; Corydoras Zone Aquatics<br>Copyright © Kristian Adolfsson /

melanistius Group

napoensis Group

oiapoquensis Group

Two species in this group with sand coloured bodies, black mask, black patch in dorsal fin, and bold vertical stripes in the tail.
One, the short nosed C. oiapoquensis, belongs to Lineage 9, and C. condiscipulus with a semi long nose belongs to Lineage 4 sub-clade 4.

Corydoras oiapoquensis - Lineage 9; Corydoras Zone Aquatics<br>Copyright © Kristian Adolfsson / |


paleatus Group

panda Group

parallelus group

similis Group

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